How do I create a design for exclusive finishes? (Foil, Spot UV etc.)

Creating a design that features exclusive finishes, such as foil and Spot UV, can be an intimidating task to undertake. However, the team at Printlogik are experienced professionals who have put together this comprehensive guide to achieve the desired outcome.

When creating a design that requires the application of Spot UV finishing, the file to be supplied should feature two distinct parts. The first part should contain your entire design, while the second should feature only those elements intended to have the Spot UV finish applied. The second part, which features the Spot UV finishing, should be supplied in 100% black.

1. File one - Entire design

2. File two - Spot UV design in 100% black

It is important to note that the minimum line width for incorporating Spot UV in a printing project is 1 point. When adding this layer, however, it is expected that there will be a slight shift in the positioning of the lacquer layer; thus, any deviation of up to 0.5mm should be considered. As a result, it is not recommended to use this technique for thin elements such as lines and letters. Instead, larger elements containing images or logos are more suitable for achieving satisfactory results. Moreover, to produce an effective outcome, no components should be placed near the cutting line.

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