Place your order

Now you've found what you're looking for, it's time to dive deeper into the product specifications and artwork requirements.

Our specifications will outline our products' sizes, sides, and finishes, whereas our artwork requirements will help explain exactly how we require your files. On some of our products, we supply a template file that can be downloaded to help guide you in creating your artwork. If you are unsure, please reach out to our customer service team, who are always happy to help explain things in further detail.

Now you are familiar with the specifications and artwork requirements, it's time to place your order. At the top of the product pages, you will find different options for the product you are ordering. Once you are happy with these options, simply select the "Add To Basket" button, and you will be redirected to your basket.

On the "Your Basket" page, you will see a breakdown of all the items added to your basket. On the right, you will see a breakdown of the costs and an option to add a discount code. You can also continue shopping (the button redirects you back to our homepage), contact us or checkout.

If you select the checkout button, you will see the delivery details page next. On this page, enter the delivery details for your products. Remember, all our products are delivered in plain packaging, which means you can send them directly to your customer without mentioning Printlogik.

Once you have entered the delivery address details, it's time to add the billing details. Complete this section and then select the "Continue To Additional Details" button. Add any additional information and then select "Continue To Confirmation".

Enter your payment details and then place the order.

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